TC for Business are an industry-leading business travel service that have operated for more than 25 years. They are fully committed to providing a consistently excellent service and more than 96% of their customers say they would recommend their them - this is one of the highest NPS ratings in the world.
We were asked to produce a new modernised brochure-magazine that was both informative and engaging. As an already well established company, they wanted to translate their current magazine into a refreshed, future proof template that could be rolled out across all printed communication touch points.

Imagery & iconography
Combining carefully executed photography with simple page layouts, we created a compelling new style guide for them to move forward with.
We introduced icons and symbols to help readers navigate and understand the magazine better, whilst adding a minimalistic feel to the layout as a whole.
Travel Counsellors needed a cost effective way to distribute their brochures to their clients. The solution was simple. The magazines were printed in mass to reduce costs but allowed for a small circular glued peel off space on the inside cover where they could discretely insert their business card with contact details.